The Ultimate Guide to Pigeon Control in India: Types, Signs, and Methods

Pigeon Control in India

Pigeons are usually seen in cities, and India is no different. Fortunately, there are effective ways for pigeon control in India that can help prevent these issues. People often use nets and spikes to keep pigeons from nesting on buildings and ledges. You can also use pigeon traps and bait to catch and get rid of these birds. Pigeons can be kept from roosting in places where they are not wanted by using ultrasonic devices or bird scare tape.

When choosing a pigeon control service in India, it’s important to consider factors such as experience, reputation, and the effectiveness of their methods. Ask questions about their methods and success rates to ensure that you are getting the best service possible.

The goal of this article is to help you get rid of pigeons in India by giving you tips and information. It will talk about the different types of pigeons in India, how to tell if there are too many of them, how important it is to get rid of them, and how to do that in India. The article will also tell you how to choose a trustworthy pigeon control service in India. By reading this article, building owners and people who live in India will be able to take steps to prevent and control pigeon infestations and lessen the damage they cause.

Types of Pigeons found in India


1. Rock pigeons

The most common type of pigeon in India is the rock pigeon, which is also called a common pigeon or a city pigeon. They have gray and white feathers, and their cooing sound is easy to recognize. Rock pigeons are very adaptable and can live in buildings, bridges, and other man-made structures in cities.

2. Feral pigeons

Feral pigeons are the offspring of domesticated pigeons that got out into the wild or were set free. They are also often seen in India. They look a lot like rock pigeons, but their colors can be different. Feral pigeons are known to gather in large groups, and their droppings and noise are often seen as a bother.

3. Domestic pigeons

People breed domestic pigeons, which are also called homing pigeons or racing pigeons, for a number of reasons, such as racing, show competitions, and as pets. They can also be found in India. Their feathers can be different colors and have different patterns. Rock pigeons and feral pigeons are considered pests, but domestic pigeons are usually kept in coops or lofts and are not.

Understanding the different kinds of pigeons that live in India is important for figuring out how to get rid of pigeon problems. For example, controlling wild and rock pigeons may be different from controlling domestic pigeons. It is also important to know what kind of pigeons are there so that efforts to get rid of them don’t hurt other animals.

Signs of Pigeon Infestation


1. Flocks of pigeons gathering on roofs and ledges

Large groups of pigeons gathering on roofs, ledges, and other high places is one of the most obvious signs that there are too many of them. Pigeons like to hang out in groups because they are social animals. When there are a lot of pigeons in one place, they can make noise, damage property, and even pose health risks.

2. Accumulation of pigeon droppings and feathers

The presence of pigeon droppings and feathers in and around the affected area is another sign of a pigeon problem. Pigeons can leave behind a lot of droppings, which can not only look bad but also be dangerous to your health because they may contain bacteria and fungi that can make you sick.

3. Damage to building materials and structures

Pigeons can damage buildings and other structures by perching on them or making nests in or on them. Pigeon droppings can eat away at building materials, and nesting materials and other trash can get stuck in gutters and drainpipes, which can cause water damage. Pigeons can also knock off tiles, shingles, and other parts of the roof, which can lead to leaks and more damage to the building.

If you know the signs of a pigeon problem early on, you can stop it from getting worse and causing more damage to the property. As soon as you see signs of an infestation, you should do something about it so you don’t endanger your health or have to pay for expensive repairs. 

Importance of Pigeon Control in India

Infestations of pigeons can have a number of bad effects on cities, which makes pigeon control an important issue in India. Some of the most important reasons why pigeon control is important in the city are as follows:

  1. Preventing damage to buildings and structures: Pigeon droppings can be very corrosive and damage roofs, paint, and other surfaces. Also, pigeon nests and other debris can block gutters and drains, which can cause water damage and other problems with the building’s structure.
  2. Lessening the health risks from pigeon droppings: Pigeon droppings can spread diseases like histoplasmosis, salmonella, and cryptococcosis. When the droppings are dry, they can also get into the air and cause breathing problems in people and animals.
  3. Improving the look of buildings and public spaces: Pigeon droppings and feathers can make public spaces look dirty and unclean, which can turn people away and hurt the reputation of businesses and attractions. By getting rid of pigeons, building owners and city managers can make their properties and the area around them cleaner and more appealing.

So, it’s important to have effective pigeon control measures in place to keep buildings and structures from getting damaged, reduce health risks, and make cities look better.

Methods of Pigeon Control in India

There are a number of ways to get rid of pigeons in India, and the effectiveness of each method depends on how bad the problem is and where it is. Here are some of the commonly used methods of pigeon control:

1. Netting and Spikes

Pigeons can’t land on buildings or ledges because of physical barriers like netting and spikes. Most of the time, the netting is put up over open areas like courtyards or roofs, and spikes are put on ledges, roofs, and other places where pigeons like to sit. These methods work very well and have results that last for a long time.

2. Pigeon Traps and Baiting

Pigeon traps are used to catch and get rid of pigeons in areas that need it. Most of the time, food or water is used to lure the birds into these. Once the pigeons are caught, they are either released far away from the affected area or killed in a humane way. This method works well for small infestations, and it can be used with other methods to get even better results. 

3. Humane Deterrents

Pigeons are scared away without hurting them by using things like loud noises, bright lights, and smells that they don’t like. Pigeons and other birds don’t like high-frequency sounds, which are made by sonic repellents. Visual scares include fake predators or reflective surfaces that look like fire or water. Chemicals are used in taste aversions to make the food in the affected areas taste bad to pigeons. These methods work best in places like parks, gardens, and public spaces that are outside.

4. Chemical Repellents

Pigeons are kept from landing on buildings and other surfaces by using chemicals that they don’t like. Most of the time, these repellents are sprayed or put on the areas where pigeons are a problem. They work by giving off a smell or taste that pigeons don’t like. This method can work, but it should only be used by people who have been trained to do so to keep other animals and people from getting hurt.

Choosing a Pigeon Control Service in India


Factors to consider when choosing a service

Experience and knowledge: Find a pigeon control service that has dealt with pigeon problems in India before. They should know how the different kinds of pigeons in the area act and what they do, as well as the best ways to get rid of them.

  1. Reputation and reviews: Find out how well-known the pigeon control service is and read what other customers have said about it. This will give you an idea of how professional, useful, and good at customer service they are.
  2. Licenses and certifications: Make sure that the company you hire to get rid of pigeons is licensed and certified by the right people. This makes sure that they have the skills and training to get rid of pigeons in a safe and effective way.
  3. Safety measures: Make sure the pigeon control service follows safety measures while doing their job to protect people and pets in the area.

Questions to ask before hiring a service

  • What methods do you use for pigeon control?
  • How long does the treatment take and how many visits will be required?
  • Do you offer any guarantees or warranties on your services?
  • What safety measures do you take during the treatment?
  • What is the cost of the service and what does it include?
  • Are there any preparations I need to make before the treatment?
  • How can I prevent pigeon infestations in the future?

In conclusion, pigeon infestations in India can be bad for buildings, public spaces, and other structures. It’s important to know the signs of pigeon problems and use the right methods to get rid of them. Some good ways to get rid of pigeons are with nets and spikes, pigeon traps and bait, humane deterrents, and chemicals. When choosing a pigeon control service in India, it’s important to think about things like experience, reputation, and the use of humane methods.

Controlling pigeons is an important part of making sure that buildings and public spaces in India look nice and are safe. By using effective ways to control pigeons, it is possible to stop damage to buildings and lower the health risks that come from pigeon droppings. It is important to hire a professional and experienced pigeon control service to make sure that pigeons are removed from areas where they are a problem in a safe and humane way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pigeon droppings can have harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses that can cause breathing problems, skin irritation, and other health problems. Also, the dust and feathers in pigeon nests can make asthma and allergies worse.

A pigeon infestation can be seen when there are a lot of pigeons on roofs and ledges, a lot of pigeon droppings and feathers, and damage to things like roof tiles, gutters, and air conditioning units.

No, methods like poisoning or trapping that kills the animal are cruel and may be against the law in some places. It’s important to find a pigeon control service that doesn’t hurt the birds, like one that uses nets, spikes, or non-toxic repellents.

The cost of getting rid of pigeons can vary based on how bad the problem is and what methods are used. However, it’s important to remember that investing in effective pigeon control can save you money in the long run by preventing damage to your property and potential health hazards.

The time it takes to get rid of pigeons can depend on how bad the problem is and what methods are used. A professional pigeon control service, on the other hand, can make a customized plan and schedule for getting rid of the problem and stopping it from happening again.

There are some do-it-yourself ways to get rid of pigeons, like using reflective surfaces or decoys. However, these may not work in the long run and may even attract more pigeons. It’s best to hire a professional pigeon control service that has the skills and tools to get rid of the problem safely and effectively.

You can keep pigeons from coming back to your property by closing off possible entry points, cleaning up droppings and nesting materials regularly, and putting up deterrents like netting or spikes.

No, effective ways to get rid of pigeons like netting or spikes don’t hurt pigeons or other animals, and non-toxic repellents don’t hurt the environment or people.

Yes, professional pigeon control services can work on residential, commercial, and industrial buildings of all shapes and sizes.

 It’s important to think about things like experience, reputation, and the methods used when choosing a pigeon control service. Before making a choice, it’s also a good idea to ask for references, read reviews, and compare prices and guarantees.

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